Thursday, 22 May 2014

Dreaming about holidays #GiveGregTheHoliday

1. Tigra T and B by Reiss 2. Harlot Cardinal by Reiss

Today was one of the funniest days at work ever. First everyone and I mean everyone received Greg's holiday request (which was sent out to the whole of Arcadia by accident). Then hundreds of hilarious emails by staff followed, making the whole of Arcadia's HQ laugh. Within a short time #GiveGregTheHoliday was trending on Twitter, banning the #elections from numero one! Long story short - thanks to Twitter he got a free trip to Vegas and loads of freebies by some other brands within hours. Greg however was nowhere to be seen as he works night shifts and was likely to be asleep when all this happened. What amazing news to wake up to though!

All the talks and tweets about Greg's holiday made me dream about days off work and white sand beaches. With the rain clouds returning to London I can't help but think more and more about my planned trip to Thailand. Not that it is any time soon...but I'm already so excited for my sister's wedding at the beach and trips around the beautiful islands in the south. For the ultimate beach holiday a bunch of amazing bikinis and swimsuits are needed. Two of my favourites on the high street are from Reiss at the moment. Both designs really stand out from other swimwear because of their straps! The Bikini on the left features a gorgeous jungle prints, which would look beautiful on tanned skin. The red swimsuit on the right is incredible as well and really stands out because of its unique design at the back and its bright colour.


1 comment:

  1. We're already dreaming about summer and we've only reached the end of autumn in Australia!! We're obsessed with the tropical printed bikini, we're definitely looking forward to being able to pull out our swimmers!


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